
We deliver the world's most sincerrity.

Who We Are

CEO Yasushi Ueda

CEO Yasushi Ueda

Our Purpose

Although we are a young company with a short history, established in April 2000 to manufacture and sell through-hole LEDs. Our former company is packed with advanced and stable product manufacturing know-how accumulated over the past 30 years as a subcontractor for major electronics manufacturers.


We are currently manufacturing and selling through-hole LEDs, and in addition to responding to our customer’s requests for high quality, quick delivery, and small lots the entire company has become a group of craftsmen who have acquired advanced skills and are committed to manufacturing products with the utmost sincerity so that each of our products can add value through reliability and peace of mind.

Make Miracle

Miracle Speed

Miracle Quality

One improvement a day, one reform a month!
We won't say why we can't do it!


Toricon Co., Ltd.


Postal Code 696-0102 3825-8, Nakano, Ohnan-cho Ochi-gun, Shimane, Japan


Yasushi Ueda

November 1979

Ochi Denshi Kogyo is established and begins assembly of LED numeric displays as a subcontractor for a major electronics manufacturer.

June 1980
Start of LED frame lamp assembly
(from chip die bonding to completion)
August 1981

Shimane Ochi Electronics Co.

October 1990

Passed Ford factory audit Q1 class

February 1994

Start of taping and forming

April 2000

Established Tricon Ltd.

April 2008

Obtained ISO9001:2000 (No.04794)

April 2009

Obtained ISO 14001:2004 (No.05485)

May 2009

Company name changed from a limited liability company to a joint stock company.

December 2009

Merged with Shimane Ochi Denshi Co.

Quality Policy and
Environmental Policy

Quality Policy

Reliability and peace of mind built by a group of craftsmen with the utmost sincerity in the world


We not only respond to our customers’ requests for high quality, quick delivery, and small lots, but also strive to manufacture products with the utmost sincerity so that our entire company can become a group of craftsmen with advanced skills and add value to each of our products in the form of reliability and peace of mind.

In order to achieve this, we will satisfy not only the requirements of our customers, but also legal requirements and the requirements of our quality management system, while continuously improving our quality management system to earn the trust of our customers and the community, and to deliver the best products that are reliable and appreciated by our customers.

Environmental Policy

LEDs open up a rich environment for the future


As part of our environmental efforts, we strive to develop and promote environmentally friendly LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) and their applied products, promote resource and energy conservation, and reduce waste.

In addition, in order to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations, we will clarify legal requirements related to the environmental aspects of our company as well as other requirements to which we agree, and ensure that all employees and related parties are fully aware of these requirements. We will continuously improve our environmental management system to make it more effective.