Low-Beam LED, high visibility in a wide area on one side.

Low-Beam LED, high visibility in a wide area on one side.


  In our interactions with distributors, we have found that there is significant interest in Low-Beam LED. Overseas people are more environmentally conscious than we expected, which is probably why this product was a good match.

This article is intended to let customers know more about our special products.

What's Low-Beam LED?

The world’s first revolutionary LED.
Ideal for road signs and guidance, and has great visibility.

・A special semi-circular structure provides light in a specific direction.

This product reflects all light downward, so information is clearly displayed until the driver passes by.

In the front direction, it emits the strong light as a regular product.

・It is ideal if you only need light on one side.

a picture, our innovative low-beam LED, 10mm
Appearance of Low-Beam LED
a comparison. between low-beam led and standard led.
*Conditions other than resin shape are also different.
the mechanism of our innovative low-beam LED lamps, changing upper light to lower light, increase lower light
Mechanism of Low-Beam

<main specification>

specsheet of low-beam series

Effect of Low-Beam LED

No wasted light* and Great Visibility

*This product significantly refracts light in a specific direction, but does not refracts all lights.

Toricon's revolutionaly HanzaLEDs Low-Beam LED, It is ideal for electronic road signs. Low-Beam is able to change wasted upward light into downward light, and effectively conveys messages to drivers. There is no light above holizontal! Visible when approaching!
the advantage of our innovative low-beam LED lamps, brighter than standard one in electric road signs
Compared with standard, Low -Beam provides more strong, more visible light.

We compare with a example where a standard LED is installed at an angle.

a figure of standard led for comparison between standard led and low-beam led

In such a case, light is emitted downward, and unnecessary light will be cut. In this respect, it is similar to the visibility and efficiency advantages of Low-Beam LED.

However, this implementation method has drawbacks. The area where the light is most strongly irradiated becomes closer, and visibility at distant points is lost.

Low-BeamLED improves visibility from below while maintaining strong light in the front direction. This allows the driver to receive messages from a distance and not lose sight of them as they approach.

a figure of standard led, non-angled, has wasted light and strong forward light.
non-angled Standard type; wasted light, strong forward light
a figure of standard led, angled, has no wasted light, but lost strong forward light.
angled Standard type; No wasted light, weak forward light
a figure of low-beam led, has no wasted light, strong forward light.
Low-Beam type; no wasted light, strong forward and downward lights

*These images are simplified illustrations of the expected usage of the product and may differ from the actual usage situation.

Other Situations

Scene of shining light onto an object near a wall

Standard LED illuminates not only the object, but also the wall, and creating a unique shape.

On the other hand, Low-Beam LED has a semi-circular illumination area, and as the photo shows, it hardly illuminates the wall.

a photo of standard led. it making a unique shape on the wall.
Standard type
a photo of low-beam led. it does not provide powerful lights on the wall.
Low-Beam type

-Light Pollution-

Low-Beam LED only emits light on one side, so it does not bring excessive brightness to buildings.

Therefore, a person will experience less light than usual from the direct light source. If we look at this comparison with a focus on light pollution, we can see that when lights are installed on top of buildings, residents do not have to feel uncomfortable due to these lights.




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